Order Protection

Protect your interests like never before, backed by Veribuy’s platform built for one single purpose: Accurate, fair, evidence based dispute resolution

Coming soon

Protect your interests, reliably

Veribuy’s Order Protection service uses a trail of evidence to enforce accountability. Our entire platform and services are built around helping you maximize manufacturing transparency and security


What's included

Quality Control Guidance

Our team assesses your manufacturer and order details in order to establish a comprehensive QC plan that best protects you under our Order Protection terms

Discounted Services

When opting into Order Protection, we want to ensure you’re covered on quality control

Evidence based dispute resolution

Our mediation relies on a clear trail of lossless evidence. Our guidance, services & software make it easy to stay protected

Order Protection

What is order protection?

The Order Protection fee is 5% of your order’s COGS (Cost of goods sold) or a minimum of $250.Order Protection holds your order funds in escrow and provides set guidelines of inspections required throughout key stages of your order production to ensure no detail is missed. Operating on a trail of evidence ensures enforcement of accountability and greatly reduces early mistakes and miscommunications.

How it works

Protect your Interests


When starting a new product order with your manufacturer, select our Order Protection service and place the order funds in our escrow account.


Veribuy then announces the securement of funds to your manufacturer, which allows them to proceed with starting production on your order.


On your Veribuy dashboard, in your order’s page you’ll find the required quality control inspections for key stages of production in compliance with Order Protection. These guidelines are calculated based on your product category, order terms and manufacturer assessment.


The average quality control requirements for the Order Protection service include a pre-production inspection, a mid-production inspection and a pre-shipment inspection.


Book inspections as required to gather critical quality control information as production progresses. Review your reports, catch mistakes and miscommunications early. If a dispute should occur, our team will speak to both parties and review all quality control reports and video evidence.


Once our assessment is complete, if the manufacturer is found at fault, Veribuy will propose and enforce solutions of either re-manufacturing at the factory’s expense, the refund of funds to the buyer, or a combination of both.


If the buyer is found at fault, it is usually due to negligence of details or miscommunications. Our video based software generally prevents this or helps catch it early, but in the case of a dispute Veribuy will generally enforce the re-manufacturing of defects at reduced cost.


Why pay with us

Funds in escrow

An intermediate party holding funds in escrow ensures both the prevention of scams and the assurance of recourse in the case of a dispute.

Guided quality control

Unlike competitor protection services, Veribuy’s software and services guide buyers to collect critical quality control evidence all throughout production, in easy to review reports.

Factory compliance

Veribuy manufacturers are all vetted for their capabilities prior to starting production, and are made well aware of our strict evidence collection policies and assurance to our buyers.

Fair mediation

Unlike competitor protection services, Veribuy’s Order Protection follows a complete trail of transparent video evidence to uncover fault from the start to finish of your order production.

Wanna talk? We‘re available 24 / 7

Customer Requests


Order Disputes

Frequently asked questions

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Factory Matching

Get matched with and verify factory capabilities

  • Vetted manufacturer
  • Custom factory audit report
  • Fully recorded inspections
  • Clickable timestamps

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